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How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Get More Likes in 2022image
ASY Digital


Dec 1, 2022
6 min read
Social Media Management

How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Get More Likes in 2022

How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Get More Likes in 2022 Home For the last 2 years, we’ve been mostly…

How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Get More Likes in 2022image
How to Increase Facebook Engagement and Get More Likes in 2022-0

For the last 2 years, we’ve been mostly apart from our friends, family, and co-workers and we’ve turned to social interaction through the internet. Social media users had counted up to nearly fifty-seventh of the world population in June of 2021. Facebook is still the largest social network and if you want to increase your business’s engagement rate by yourself or by working with a social media management agency, there are definitely a few ways you can try to achieve that.

It is worth pointing out that an average organic post on Facebook gets 0.07% engagement which varies by the industry. To boost that, you first need to understand the Facebook algorithm and work with it. You want Facebook to show your content to your target audience, whether it be existing or new people.

The Facebook Algorithm

Facebook has an algorithm that decides what people see when they first open up the app or refresh their feed. It uses three variables for determining the value of a post: who posted it, what type of content it is such as video or photo, and the number of interactions the post gets. It shows posts from sources with which you’ve previously interacted.

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Content Creation

acebook prioritizes meaningful and informative content which is unique for everyone. Meaningful content refers to content about which people would want to talk to their friends and family or on which they would like to spend time. Informative content refers to content people would find informative, interesting, and new. This is why it is significant to understand your audience and their interests in order to curate content that they would find meaningful and informative. If you struggle with finding engaging content, you can always enlist the help of a social media management agency. Moreover, people engage with accurate, authentic, and easy-to-understand content. You should be careful about your headlines so they are never misleading or clickbait.
On the subject of posting, you should also reply to comments and engage with your audience not just for the sake of engagement but also for making them feel heard and enjoy their time with you. The more they enjoy consuming your content and communicating with you, the more time they will spend on your content. This of course sends the algorithm the message that your content is engaging and deserves to be served to more and more people.

Best Time to Post

It is obvious that the engagement would be the highest when your audience is online and most active. This will highly depend on where your audience is located regarding their time zones and it is also greatly affected by their daily activities. To figure out the best time to post for your unique audience, you need to do some research. For starters, you can use Facebook page insights and audience insights. You can also do some experiments in which you post at different time zones and measure your engagement.

Reels and Stories

Since February 2022, Facebook reels have been available worldwide. Because they are located at the top of Feed in tabs, your content bypasses the Facebook algorithm. Facebook says claims that Reels is their fastest-growing content format. They are designed to enable people to discover new content as opposed to Feed which serves relevant content from accounts to which you are connected. If you are looking to broaden your audience or build communities, posting content on Reels is a good way to do it. Stories, on the other hand, is like Reels but with the advantages of adding links to your website or online shop to purchase items.

Facebook Groups

More content may not always generate more engagement. Another way to drive engagement is to create Facebook groups. They are great for building a community around your business. However, there is a disadvantage to Facebook groups and that is relying on member contribution. It is not best to leave the group to do its own thing. You should encourage participation through your content. You can ask questions that generate discussions or you can host events. If you are unsure about hosting events on Facebook, a social media management agency would be able to help you host your first event.

Messaging with Your Customers

Depending on your niche, replying to comments on posts may not be enough to boost your engagement. Facebook Messenger had a great increase for being used to create faster customer service where you can answer frequently asked questions. You can also automate keyword-based responses to your FAQs in Messenger.

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